The Horsforth Centre

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Your questions answered

In most cases you should be able to find an answer to your question here. However after reading through and you still can't  see an answer please do not hesitate to email customercare and we will respond within a few hours (Mon-Fri 10:00-18:00 GMT). Email received after 17:00 GMT will be responded to the next business day.

To talk to us directly call:
+353 1 5611917


System Announcements & New Features

We hate SPAM so we don't send out emails to our customers shouting about all our new tweaks and developments on a regular basis. (Only on exceptionl releases  or Key system announcements where the item impacts on how something works). 

We will post all new features on our "NEW" page so we encourage you to drop back from time to time to check them out.


General Help

How do I get an account so I can book meetings myself?

Contact your office administrator. (The person who set-up for your organisation). They can issue you with a user account which will allow you to book meeting space in real time.

Can everyone see my Meeting Notes and Meeting Labels?

Meeting Labels and Meeting Notes are not available to users who are not logged in to the system. General Users (bookers) who are logged in can see Meeting Labels for all bookings, but cannot see Meeting notes (except for their own bookings). Admin Users can see Labels and Meeting Notes for all Bookings. 

What is SSL and why is it used on BookMeetingRoom?

SSL is an acronym for "Secure Socket Layer", a security protocol that provides communications privacy over the Internet. This protocol is the same technology used by banks and e-commerce companies such as PAYPAL to keep your information safe and secure during transactions. BookMeetingRoom uses Password protection and SSL to ensure your communications between your browser and BookMeetingRoom is absolutely private and secure.

Spread the love

If you know someone who is currently managing the scheduling of meeting rooms using pen and paper, an excel spreadsheet or other inefficient method. They may be grateful to you for recommending BOOKMEETINGROOM.COM. (We certainly will!). 

This help page can be overwritten with your own custom information.  Login as Owner/Administrator and select the  MY INFO tab -> Help .
